Guess What We'll Be Reading in December

Every month since we began this book club we always choose a country & then read a book which takes place there.

But not this time! Surprised?

Well, we always like to mix things up so this December, we decided we’d leave it up to fate which country we’d end up reading. We’re looking for books written by native authors about their country which either includes a story that focuses on an icy location—snowy scene, wintry vista, or cold environment OR a book that touches on the winter holidays. This includes any festivity real or imagined from the more traditional like Christmas, Hanukkah, & winter solstice to the more celebratory like Junkanoo (the December masquerade in Jamaica, Belize, & the Bahamas) to the imaginary like Hogswatch (see Hogfather on Amazon) & Smekday (see The True Meaning of Smekday on Amazon). If the book is sci fi or fantasy that works too.

But there’s a catch. These books must not be from the countries that a lot of folks—especially in the US—read the most during this time of year which means you can’t send in suggestions from the US, UK, Ireland, or Canada.

Aside from the above & our usual club requirements, the sky’s the limit & we can’t wait to see your suggestions!

On a completely different note, have I ever shared how much I adore cookbooks which include a combination of gorgeous photos & cute illustrations? This winter-focused cookbook here includes that beautiful blend from Holland’s answer to Martha Stewart. <happy sigh>


Just let us know your icy/wintry or holiday-themed suggestions by Thurs., Nov. 14 11PM ET.

(That's NYC time. Usually, I’d include a date/time converter so you could see what this is in your local time, but that widget was hacked so I can’t include it this go around.)

We'll use 2 suggestions from book club members, 2 suggestions from the club moderator (since December is his month), 1 of my suggestions, & 1 of Mia’s suggestions (the club co-founder) to compile a list of 6 books on which book club members will provide their thoughts. The book judged as best from the list will then be read.

Please note - We're specific in our books & even more so this month. Your suggestions this go around must:

  • Focus on icy/wintry locations, OR touch on a real or imagined winter holiday

  • Take place in the author’s country of origin (unless the world described is an alternate reality) & be written by a native author (i.e., an author born in that country who has spent a good portion of their life there)

  • Not be from the US, UK, Ireland, or Canada

  • Exist in paperback & ebook available on both Amazon & Kindle at least in the US & hopefully elsewhere