This month, we received 8 great suggestions from book club members…so many we had to do a random draw of which books to include in the final list we’ll be voting on. (See that random draw in a screencast here. But either way, all the books suggested are included on our web site later on along with the name of the person who suggested the book. Thank you to all those who sent in suggestions!)
Before we get to the vote, I wanted to bring your attention to an influential icon of South African photography, Santu Mofokeng. As Africa is a Country notes, “Mofokeng was undeniably inspired by a broader visual black culture before, during and after apartheid. He was also inspired by the traditional spiritual and linguistic cultures of black South Africans, and their photographic practices in the Victorian period. His work challenged the legal construction of blackness in law by following quotidian black life in Soweto, among many South African places. Mofokeng’s work is part of a history of art in the country made of refusals to conform to official or legal constructions of blackness. A history of artists that also stubbornly pursued beauty in the midst of political and social malaise.”
I’ve seen his images featured in a variety of publications & his photography is not to be missed. Check out his photography in The New Yorker article below.
The New Yorker February 24, 2020
Now onto the club vote.
You can vote from now until Fri., June 19 11:30PM. (That's NYC time. See this converted to your local time below.)
To participate:
1. Review the books.
2. Then, click here to vote.
We'll publish the anonymous results afterwards so you can get the book in advance.