Which Book Should We Read from Syria?

We had a number of great Syrian suggestions from book club members this month so randomly chose 2 to include in the vote. But don’t worry, the other one will be included in our global reading list later on.

A number of you have noted you really enjoy the cookbooks I’ve been including so here’s another one & a very unique one because it’s from the 13th century!

Scents and Flavors, A Syrian Cookbook will interest epicures and cultural historians alike.” - Islamic Horizons

“Organized like a meal, it opens with appetizers and juices and proceeds through main courses, side dishes, and desserts, including such confections as candies based on the higher densities of sugar syrup—an innovation unique to the medieval Arab world. Apricot beverages, stuffed eggplant, pistachio chicken, coriander stew, melon crepes, and almond pudding are seasoned with nutmeg, rose, cloves, saffron, and the occasional rare ingredient like ambergris to delight and surprise the banqueter.

Bookended by chapters on preparatory perfumes, incenses, medicinal oils, antiperspirant powders, and after-meal hand soaps, this comprehensive culinary journey is a feast for all the senses.”

I’ve just started reading it, but I’m already enthralled & hope you will be too.


You can vote from now until Sat., March 21 11:30PM. (That's NYC time. See this converted to your local time below.)

Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

To participate:

1. Review the books.

2. Then, click here to vote.

We'll publish the anonymous results afterwards so you can get the book in advance.