Which Book Should We Read from France?

If you’ve been wondering why I disappeared for a month & why we haven’t been including items on the web site, it’s cause I had/have covid. I got sick on March 15 & it was a very bad case. Came close to dying though wasn’t on a vent. While I’m on the road to recovery, I’m also one of the lucky people who gets to experience late stage covid symptoms as well. Hurrah! But hey, I survived & am feeling much better so that’s what’s most important.

We got a number of great suggestions this month from book club members. So many we had to do a random pick of which to include which you can see here. I apologize in advance for the coughing in the video, but you also get to hear my cat’s cute cry as well.

And as always, I’m including a favorite cookbook. This one is an absolute delight! The author is an award-winning food writer from Paris who focuses on fresh & seasonal foods with recipes that are based upon classical French techniques while also incorporating some creative surprises like her potato chip-and-chive omelet. The cookbook also serves as a loving guidebook to Paris making you feel as if you’re truly visiting the city of lights & eating your way through it.

Clotilde’s writing is also fun & inviting. For instance, she introduces her Bostock à la mûre dish with: “Imagine french toast and almond croissant having a baby together. That's what bostock is: an ingenious way to upcycle day-old brioche by slathering it with almond cream and baking it again. Topped with slivered almonds and powdered sugar, it makes for a blissful breakfast.” She then notes that she's fond of hiding a spoonful of blackberry jam (that's the à la mûre part) in between the brioche & the almond cream. Yum!

Now onto the vote…


You can vote from now until Mon., Apr. 20 11:30PM. (That's NYC time. See this converted to your local time below.)

Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

To participate:

1. Review the books.

2. Then, click here to vote.

We'll publish the anonymous results afterwards so you can get the book in advance.