Want to Suggest a Book for Next Month's Country?

North Korea ICBM threat

Mia & I decided to choose our next country to read because it has been in the news of late for very scary reasons. They've recently performed a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) & there have been implications of a possible nuclear threat.


As a last bastion of undiluted communism, North Korea is a unique country in isolation & one we think we should delve into further. Initially, we worried that few books would be available since North Korea doesn't promote freethinking & people don't often escape. But we managed to find enough books that we'll be able to provide a nice selection. One caveat: We won't have as large a variety of genres to choose from since every book we found with the exception of one was a memoir. However, all the North Korean books seem fascinating to us & we think you'll agree.

Book club members will vote on which book to read on July 15 from a list of 6 books. Before then, if you have any North Korean books to suggest, please let us know. Just remember that we are specific in the books we read. They must:

- Largely occur in North Korea unless the world described is an alternate reality
- Be written by an author born there who has spent a good portion of their life there
- Exist in paperback & ebook available on both Amazon & Kindle at least in the US & hopefully elsewhere

Until then, the questions on my mind are: Do the North Koreans really believe what they're told & do they truly revere their "Dear Leader"? We shall soon find out.