Big News for the Book Club!

We’re thrilled to announce the addition of 2 new moderators for our book club & our very first Facebook group expert.

We’re very lucky as all 3 have been active club members for a while giving a lot of their time to the group so this is just the next step in their evolution in the book club.

Please join us in welcoming all 3 new members to our book club management team!


Sue Attalla

A retired English professor, Sue has been an avid reader since childhood & as an undergraduate read Greek tragedies & comedies while working for Look Magazine.  She recalls her mother’s occasional admonishment: “Get your nose out of that book”—words Sue obeyed for only a few minutes.

She attributes her love of other cultures to reading a memoir by an exchange student. Since then, she & her husband have hosted 16 international students, 4 while their daughters were still home in Oklahoma & another 12 since alongside 2 neurotic dogs.

Joining the book club in 2020, Sue became a wonderful moderator after a year of active club membership.

Sue’s Favorite global Reads

She enjoys variety, including cultural history, travel, & food books, as well as classics. However, she gravitates mainly toward literary & historical fiction.

Gemma Ware

Gemma was born in England, but after a long detour via Belgium & Scotland has now settled in a small village in the foothills of the Swiss Alps with her wonderful husband, 4 young kids, & an aging cat. She enjoys hiking, nature, traveling, & watching in admiration as her family takes on the ski slopes while she takes refuge in a book & a hot drink…or even glass of wine!

Gemma joined the club in 2020 & became a great moderator after a year of active club membership.


She mainly enjoys literary fiction--anything with strong characters, particularly those older or more eccentric.  She also enjoys engrossing long multigenerational sagas, especially anything with a strong sense of place, lots of vivid descriptions, colors, imagery, & local language/expressions.

Beth Cummings

Growing up in North Dakota, one of Beth C.’s favorite places to go was the old library with a scent of books she can still recall 60+ years later. While living in Minnesota, she & her husband raised 2 daughters, & currently cares for 2 cats & 2 dogs.

She formally taught ESL, worked for public tv, & worked/taught at a college. Now retired & living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, she volunteers as an ESL tutor, spends lots of time reading, & reads Shakespeare aloud with a group.

Joining the club in 2018, Beth C. became our first Facebook group expert after 3 years of active club membership.


Her taste has remained consistent. She enjoys mysteries & histories, especially those from unknown parts of the world. She also loves memoirs by non-famous folk that give insight into other places/situations.